Richard Taylor
Once I lost a silly thing
It wasn't big It didn't ring
It didn't laugh it didn't sigh
It didn't sing it wasn't shy
It wasn't short it wasn't long
It didn't cry it wasn't strong
It wasn't high it wasn't low
It did not shine it did not glow
I wonder why I love it so               


My Favorite Places
A. F. Simo
My...My...My...To know I'm going to die-
"Six Months" So they will state!
Advanced warning of my fate
So, I eat at my favorite places
I visit forgotten faces
Unfamiliar knocking at my door
A sudden popularity I never had before
I'm seeing love I never knew
Just when my days are oh so few
But please don't be scared, or start to cry
I want you to look me in the eye
For what you will see tranquility


Chris A. Huff
There is a certain garden
Where the stitches of life are sewn.
And in the middle of this place
Sits a fountain made of stone.
The waters splashing in this place
Are waiting just for you.
The wishes made around its base
Are always coming true.
The faeries of the mountain side
Come fluttering down the mount:
They spread their wings to see the fountain,
Too numerous to count.
They make their way to the open field
To greet the flowers there
They nestle on the stems and leaves,
Thus sweetening the air.
So come, make your way, one by one
To see the special road
Leading to the magic fountain;
Fountain made of stone.


By: Elizabeth G. Lloyd ©

Mushrooms, fungus  heavy topped
Sit upon the soil that’s sopped
Underneath a shady tree
Damp and moist their home must be
Fungi sprouting everywhere
In strong Sun, a mushrooms rare
Some are excellent to eat
Complimenting any meat
Others sweet as they can be
Chocolate truffles’ grow on tree’s
Deep fried, Stir fried, Never dull
Eat the hat off , Then the hull
Watching out for poisonous ones,
That make you sick, and give you runs
So eat your mushrooms to your fill
Avoiding those that sometimes kill
And you’ll have many scrumptious feasts
For “Fun-guy’s” sooth the savage beast…


Benjamin Morris Lyon
what is this fair world
between land and sky?
that lives in all day
and even in night
this outline that stretches
in yonder so high
what is this fair world
between land and sky?
what is all this beauty
that cannot be felt
why when we draw nearer
does it wither and melt
how is it not one
person's sense beside eye
can touch this fair world
between land and sky?


Bruce Rosenbloom
In the waiting room old men with lung tumors and metastasized
prostate cancer look at me.
I could be their son or grandson.
we sip are pina colada flavored contrast syrup and toast each others health and toast to good luck and toast to life
A thin pale women is curled up in her chair while her husband with his back turned away reads a book about the civil war. I am also alone
The narrow steel bed moves forward and then up...
an unseen hand lifts me to vortex to the alter to the divining rod to the wishbone to the casino.
I am stretched . From a world far way, from many years ago
the general electric prerecorded voice says now breath in..  hold it, and that's what I do. For the first action we take in life is to breath in the last action is to breath out.
And up through the white portal my body rises, I am stretched up through the spinning eye, to the white ring, to the light, through the ceiling, through the sky like an x-ray I am exposed
And On this day it is written  and on this day it is done
For the rest of the day I am unstuck from time
For the rest of the day I am floating
For the rest of the day I am torn down the middle 
of the crossroads
and ..on this day it is written and on this day it is done
for judgment day. For a thousand million days of anilation and rebirth
I make a list and then wonder what happened 82 seconds after launch and wonder could I have turned the swordfish boat around
and wonder if I could of ducked.
and dream that I will get hit by lightning twice while carrying my bolder up the hill. That I will buy a lottery ticket
that someone will light a candle
that I will shave my head and disappear in plain sight
or reappear as the hero or reappear as a child
I dream that I will return to the city of my birth and walk it’s streets following a labyrinth reversing reversing in time always back always back
I dream that I Will escape
but for right now I breath in and hold it.. until next time.


What if?
Taylor Zimmerman
What if the sky turned green?
What if the grass was blue?
What if my tears stopped falling?
What if I stopped loving you?
What if all color went away?
What if everybody understood?
What if I could change the world?
What if I said all th words I should?
What in the world would I do?
If all impossible things came true?


Searching Peace
 Pushpa Ratna Tuladhar
Staring at the sky of gloomy night
To an edge scanned by his piercing eyes,
The gray haired human,
Grasping his feet hold of his earth
Quaked by the war,
Occupies in his optimum endeavor
To feel sensory experience of
The still of a shining star
That plunged to his planet
By delving with his walking stick
Into numerous groups of the shining stars
Shattered in the sky.


By Tom Gilman
There is nothing so sanguine
nor exquisite as this,
Some woodland nocturnal
remote and snow-kissed
There is nothing so splendid
as a mantle of white
All muffled in powder
and shrouded by night
It begins with a flurry
a swift, howling fright
Then calm, and the snowflakes
pristinely alight
First one and then many
from lowering skies
Then heaven descending
as feathers would fly
And when it is over
all swaddled in fleece
The earth as a giant
lies peaceful in sleep.


The Noise in the Night
Darcy Andrews
Suddenly I heard a noise in the night
I crept out of my bed, to turn on the light
I peered into the hall and saw only darkness
I heard the noise coming from my parent's room,
So I tiptoed down the hallway, not make a sound
I opened the door slowly, trying not to be heard,
The noise was getting louder and louder like a roaring
Then I realized that it was my dad snoring.


Good Neighbors
Frances Lamm
No where else could we find neighbors as good as you
Not even if we hired a Detective Agency to try and help us to
For you are very kind neighbors, the best there could ever be
It seems you have always been kind, good and neighborly
God didn't put fences around his neighborhood
He wanted us to be friends with our neighbors
and act like good neighbors should
He wanted to treat our neighbors very good
and right
He wanted to us to say good
and how are you tonight
That why God chose people such as you two
to be our very best friends
He knew you would be there for us
even until the end
That is why I am very happy and very proud to say
You are the very best neighbors
in this neighborhood
My poem is to honor you and thank you
for being so good!


by Stacey Lee Smith
Lost in the abyss of my own imagination,
Counting the downfalls of all
my temptations,
I silently creep towards the light,
Out of the darkness,
I risk taking flight.
Born on a wing and a prayer,
turning in circles and
getting nowhere,
Flying through rainbows,
sending clouds on a spin,
In know this time,
imagination will win.


Deafening Silence
Dolly Taye
Not one echo I hear
Batters the unyielding quietness. 
Truth pours: what heeds within shall fear.
I yet splinter the throttle and relish at thy nighness. 
As thou tell, I drink from thy pitiless melody the charm of life
As thou see, I heed the lithic cadence that sheds my veil.
Hush, my love. None but thy sight slashes like a knife
Thy hush bespeaks words that drop in my entity like hail.  
Withhold it not. More than thou wish I heed
Withhold it not. More than thou wish I see.      
Threat I am none. Cease not thy tardy spell that to my day is a seed.
With they I strain at my being. With thee, why shall I yearn to be?
Well, embrace thou shalt! Thou art the archeus art upon my quiddity.
Speak not, loved one. Thy silence speaks far lustily.  


by Bill Albright
From those buried in the ground
You will hear silence profound
Lying sheltered from the world of things,
Expect much in this world of beings
Trust yourself more than those who pass by
For you see not their heart, only the eye
Which views a world full of nothings,
Expect much in this world of beings
Life's sum is much more than each part
Live it as your masterpiece of art
The single permance is exiting,
Expect much in this world of beings
(Kyrielle form)


In The Distance
Doug P. Gillis
In the distance I see a light shining
But up close I see hunger
In the distance I see a cloud moving
But up close I feel pain
In the distance I see a great city
But up close I see slums
In the distance my supper awaits
But up close I sense loneliness
In the distance camp fires are burning
But up close a fire rages
In the distance love abounds
But up close hate is an industry
In the distance I see the
Outline of a horse and rider
But up close immorality reigns
In the distance I hear a mighty rumble
But up close the wind does not even
Ruffle the grass


Jane's Mom

Imagine a land where queens ruled
mothers who gave life were the ones
the only ones who could take life. 

Less prisons, no death rows,
no capital punishment - less courts
only a few judges needed for the motherless. 

You see in this land of right, mothers were given
as they had given, the power of life and death
over their own children. 

If a mother found her child to lack what she wanted
him or her to be, she like the potter smashing the
crooked pot back into the clay pit, could do likewise. 

Think how sons would treat their mothers
if they knew she had the right on any day
to end their life as easily as she let it begin.

Think how daughters would listen to mom
if they knew she only needed to raise her arm
and point her thumb downwards. 

If a mother killed her children no one
questioned her right – it was her decision
she alone could decide and do. 

Animals live like this and there were times
when this wisdom lived within the bodies
that bore the babies in those days.

 Maybe we have lost something we need.


‘Growing up…’
Merija Gilbert
Mummy can I hold your hand
I feel as though I’m sinking in quick sand
The world is changing oh so fast
Every step takes me further from the past
You watch as I change and evolve
Life’s puzzles I begin to solve
As I become an adult I turn and flee
Scared to loose the child in me
Responsibilities pile in my face
I’m trying hard to find my place
Mummy are you still proud of me
Did I become what you thought I’d be
I put away the barbies and play with real toys
Money, life and naughty boys
Mummy I’m an adult, stuck in a child’s world
All my short-fallings at me you’ve hurled
Now I’m at a precipice unable to move
I’m caught between two different grooves
That of a childhood no longer there
Or that of the adult world, overwhelmed with cares
So mummy I leave you and walk alone
But will you leave me a key so I can still get home?


Power creeps into the mind day by day, moment to moment
Success breeds more success and then certain confidence 
The ego expands, arrogance takes over 
Domination begins, humanity contracts
The ego for the soul, power now before the coffin
There’s always redemption later
Christ will be there ­ why worry?
Loosen the bonds of morality for the objective.
It’s always been the same since we clocked in
Power, money and lust 
The same ‘dreams’, different dreamers
The same route, different props
Carnage and greed suffused into the soul
Turing black what was once pure
History repeating itself
The lessons unlearned
The belief ­ this time it will be different
Why ­ we’re special.
The wrongs escalate; thoughts to deeds
Violence, murder, looting, revolution and conquest
It’s all politics.  It’s all business
This is the reality.  Accept or die
Better still, fade away before we come 
None can stop us, we are all powerful
The air, the sea and the land ­ we control them.
See our airplanes, feel their wrath
See our aircraft carriers, feel their thunder
See our tanks, see our soldiers
All state of the art technology
See the future in the present
Gawk at us and be in awe
Then step aside or be destroyed.
Patriotism moves us.  What’s a little loss of lives
Some contractions of liberty for a common good only we can see and understand
The price ­ minor, really insignificant to the greater good in the objective. 
Some killings here, some assassinations there
Some manipulations now, some fabrications later
Celluloid to reality and reality twisted to celluloid
Strangling liberty and all means to it
Binding the judicial process to ‘national interests’ 
Justice ­ an ephemeral, illusory, unachievable, unrealistic aim.
         We are the realists
         We straddle the globe
         Our power supreme
         Our wrath and vengeance deadly
Give way or beware.
We are the superpatriots
We run governments
We run the military
We are the industrialists
We are the superbrokers.
We broke the USSR ­ she’s gone, sunk into oblivion forever
We killed communism that opium creed that kills the soul
We are not done
There’s still China, Putin and Chirac. 
Putin ­ he’s forgotten who fed, who raised and made him
The Russians? pshaw ­ it’s the CIA
That’s us in one of our faces
He’s got to go ­ democracy has its limits
Against it's originators, the Rule-Makers.
Chirac ­ he’s got to be dealt with
A sly fox in the coop and a dog in the manger
Rice has to think that one through.
China ­ well the bug’s got them
That’ll keep them down.
We got to consolidate
Before we flood her with ‘liberative democracy’
Mao’s long dead and Jiang’s on the way
What’s there to worry?
Rumsfeld can have this one. 
So its all tied up, the objective nearly secured
Home Democracy contained by Home Security
Hitler had the ‘Enabling Act (Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich)
We have got our Homeland Security Act (Executive Department of the US)
None of these constitutional or fundamental rights
We’ve traded them in to contain terrorism
That’s what the twin towers was all about
Might with no boundaries
Rights subservient to National Security
This is the new America
We’ve done our founding fathers proud. 
There will be challenges ­ it will come
The Supreme Court should go but it’s not time
Anyhow, we only need 5 of these ‘buggers’
Law is right up Ashcroft’s alley
Dick best keep an eye on this
None of this Warren stuff, Douglas can choke
Hugo’s long gone and Brennan’s with him
Brandeis is the past, Rehnquist's the future. 
He understands the big picture ­ its called National Security
We’ll decide what’s national about the security
We are the superpatriots ­ we know best.  
So where else are the challenges going to come
The newspapers and the media and the news stations
Its called the “First Amendment”
Well we have fixed that.
We own the owners who own the reporters
Sack any die-hards or rattle their skeletons
It does not really matter so long as they print our news
And the stations ­ that needs some thinking
Best give it to cerebral Jessie ­ his last gift before he meets Christ or the cousin.
Disinformation, misinformation, fabrications, manipulations
All means to march to a noble end
It was necessary, it remains necessary
A new world order out of the disorder.
The United Nations will buckle
Kofi best suckle or return to his roots
That’s Powell’s job.  Its in the family.
What international laws are they talking about John?
We’ve got the gold and the might and the oil
We damn well make the law
Don’t they all understand!
International law has been replaced by US law
And US law means republican law
And Republican law means the White House
And the White House, well that’s us
The superpatriots.
It was us that liberated and then decimated the First Nations
Geronimo is dust.  Sitting Bull lies on his back dead
Red Cloud is no more
They have their reservations
We have America.
Lincoln’s no longer relevant
Anyhow we’ve been around with Stanton all the time
Perfection comes with time, some patience and body counts
The New World Order is finally here
America ­ rise to your occasion, to your time
It’s your destiny to become
"The United World of America"
That's UWA for short.
Then we’ll look at Space
And when that’s done,
we’ll see about God.
American Integrity
Dawn E. Wright 
Our Country's safety was at stake..
thousands of innocents he did take..
Americans shocked, pained, and grieving,
united we stood, and kept believing,
our traditions outweighed dollar cost,
reaching out in remembrance of loved ones lost.
Looking beyond Hussein's violent intrusion,
we sought to rid the world of his delusions.
Even angered; America wouldn't retaliate,
our compassion drove us to invalidate,
the reigning power of a deemed mad man-
for twelve long years, we urged this plan.
The U.S. Military took to arms,
willing to protect us all from harm.
Our families, our children, and our land,
while delivering freedom across desert sands.
From new recruit to our respected war Vets,
thousands volunteered to remove the threat.
Sacrificing their lives for our Flag,
Saddam WILL FALL, HIS HEAD they will drag,
down roads our soldiers will repave,
releasing Iraq from a monster depraved.
Our troops wear well their bravery:
their mission to dismantle this slavery.
America's courageous come in peace,
banishing famine, providing water and feast.
Buildings rebuilt, Iraqi society restored,
children..the future, shall starve no more.
The changes dramatic, apparent, accute,
ALL AMERICAN SOLDIERS, we proudly salute.
Our Eagle soars high, our Flag waves revered,
Honor, Integrity, and Courage, have persevered.


It’s America
-Charles Turlington
Land of the free?
It may be so,
But it is ruled through an underworld of hatred.
Influences work their powerful, seductive magic.
Like herds of buffalo, people blindly follow leaders;
Whatever the leader wants,
Our teachers, parents, and role models do.
What an example.
At least that explains our nation’s children:
Where strangers know your innermost secrets
While rumors and lies spread like wildfire.
Innocents are hurt in the rush towards conclusions;
In the rush towards instant satisfaction.
Our nation’s children,
Like flocks of scavenging birds,
Swarming from person to person,
Stripping them bare,
Bare to the bone.
What is done about it?
Who cares?
It’s America.


Sammy Schutte
they make fun of you for doing
they pick on you for listening
They hurt you for acting
they punch you for reading
They persecute you for believing


Forget It not
Jill Jones                          
                               You think we for got
                               How About Not
                               We  Still Remember
                               That Day IN September
                               YOu THink God told you
                               How about Saddam told you
                               What Americas got
                               You will forget it not


'Delude Deity' 
The clamor is heard
Ritual begun
Ambrosia devoured
Feast begun
Soak the dove in red
Bring it on my plate
Serve that holy spirit to my taste
But yes,
His apathetic lackluster-
scarcely shines a dark shadow,
A shadow that makes children cry
After their incipient childhood,
They see the bitter disemboweling verity,
Truth so acerbic it makes a transmutation
to their prefatorial deceivers
Feel; Rancor is heard
Say; Diatribe waters
Do; Beast sprouts


Underfilled and vastly oversmeared
In breadcrumb heaven stranded
On milk top mountains snowy dew
Round fires breathing warmly
Entwingletwangled turps and thyme
Before the hours melteth
In oak clustered bookshelves resting snug
Above the dark veranda.



Worlds In Need Of Love
by Jonathan Armour
Time seeps too quickly into memory
For those continuing to forget
And is made so hard to see
By clouds of foolishness and regret.
Most only learn true merit
Of things once seen as illimitable
When it is too late to use it
For use other than those that are inexcusable.
Life is far too short
To be held back by unnecessary inhibition
We must fulfill our want to court
Despite our fear of rejection.
So if you take my word
And try to be less materialistic
Life will be more filled with accord
For love is all that is found realistic.


       By Del Senkbeil
I still can see you smile at me,
While the firelight was gleaming.
'I love you so,' you whispered low.
I knew I must be dreaming.
A bearskin rug, a fireplace,
Two arms that held me tight.
Oh, darling, it was heavenly,
The dream we shared last night.
You whispered that you loved me,
And then you dimmed the light.
You kissed me oh, so tenderly,
In the dream we shared last night.
The way my heart was singing,
Made everything seem right,
Our love became complete, my dear,
In the dream we shared last night.
It was just a dream, my darling,
But it filled me with delight.
Forever I'll remember,
The dream we shared last night.

Franchier Chambers

Fine curves and thick thighs - that's me
No need to change me because i'm just fine.
Fine curves and thick thighs you see me you see them .
You see females with this figure then misuse this figure then wind up pregnant and loose there figure, that's so not me.
Fine words express a fine woman ,so pay that man no mind because he ain't worth a dime.
Why because he will find words like bitches and hoes non like a royal rose because you want open your legs or give him head .
For my ladies go sip on you some wine  and experience the fineness.
Let God find the time to find you a gentleman that's way more than fine and want waste your precious fine time.
Fine don't give me what's  my mines but let me tell you that a black woman's fineness will never be lost .
Never forgotten .
Never curable .
Never  impervious.
Never ephemeral.
But it will always be blatant to the eye abstruse to the mind ,but for us women we will always know that by us being fine we will be true inside.


Richard H. Williams


     Kentucky Derby
     At Louisville’s Churchill Downs.
     Funny Cide won it!


A trip to Key West,
green-blue waters and blue skies,
not far from Cuba.


     Red string bikinis,
     uncovering much tan flesh.
     Pleasing to the eyes!


Sex sex sex sex sex!
It constantly fills my mind.
When will I be free?


     The scent of pizza
     with all the ingredients.
     Oh, so delicious!


Acrylics dry fast,
oil paint is slow in drying,
pastel makes me sneeze.


Country roads home
listening to beauty
through static
Ellen G. Olinger


am i on the verge of accomplishment

in what i want to be,
or is this just another raise in the stakes
in the pipedream that makes me,
i try and i try but no matter how hard i try
i can barely see,
the crest in the road of this long steep hill that lies ahead of me.
now should i just sit on the side of this road and watch,
see how others do,
ill see the places they falter and stumble and fall
maybe off them ill learn and push on through,
or should i just close my eyes and walk,
have this crest as my only concern,
while others just sit on the side of this road,
my progress and pain a lesson they learn.
now which is the best,
to try or to test,
maybe you can sit too long,
while learning off others your goal disappears
to someone who tried though blind but strong,
but what if i try,
what if i fall,
what if i lose my way,
well its better to try than do nothing at all,
ill be happy with that come what may.

stuart turner 





Shall I not open the door to the garden; an ardent pull attracts me to the scent of lilies wafting on the wind. As my words stroked your ear you hardened as if you sensed pernicious intent sent by my query, though you grinned.

And so I opened up the door of painted wood it seemed so old, as if time lived inside its cracks its hinges creaked like pain untold. But with a last tug of my arm the door was prized from times tight grip, and by my side I heard a gasp of awe escape your painted lips.
You entered through the archway and I followed close behind, your eyes were opened in amazement at the majesty inside. Another world an ancient garden like I had never seen before, had survived and thrived alone behind that old and massive door.
We stood ten minutes still in wonder as though entranced by unseen spells. Before we found our feet and blundered simply drinking in the smells.
Intoxicated by aromas that few ever had endured, this place seemed perilously fair to me unspoiled and untoured.
I searched for you after what seemed like many hours of delight, wandering the mews that zigzagged like a wayward kite. Until I came upon a cottage built of stone and worse for wear, it was derelict and shabby and in need of vast repair.
There in the shadow of a window box that slumped with growth and age, grew a slew of waist high bushes all adorned with scarlet sage. On the path before me lay a small bouquet of flora spread, It seems you came this way indeed but now where has your fancy led?
I stooped to gather to me scattered blooms like ruins in your wake, you are likely off along another flowered path you cant be slaked. But when I reared my head my face fell and my legs began to quake, for before me you lay lifeless who knew so much was at stake.
Your body stripped of life beneath that bush of blood red scarlet sage, a tragic ending though impending you were brash and young in age. In your left fist you tightly hold a stem and one red flower, one final breath you met your death by strangulation in the bower.
I stood and watched you for a while I couldn't force my legs to leave, you look so peaceful like you're sleeping but your not and so I grieve. I steeled myself and turned to go I heaved a sigh with forceful breath, but as I did another bloom grew on that bush to mark your death.

Ryan Russell 


The poison runs deep
It permeates my mind
Mistaken direction
Is it safe to breathe?
  My mirror is strange now
  I hear the shadows conspire
  How naively we we plot
  The shortest course to the fire
The whirlwind of time
breathes breath into the beast
It's teeth sharpened with knowing
The stars mock with their truth
as the beast devours itself
  It is calm now, blessed be
  The gnashing has ceased for a moment of eternity
  The pain has subsided, aahh sleep
  Am I awake or still dreaming
The calm is now revealed
The eye of the storm is upon me
Is it safe to breathe?



A Wish for a Better Tomorrow
When Your day comes to an end
and darkness fills the sky
You sit on the edge of your bed
and ask yourself why
Your mind dreams of the perfect future
as it recasp your life in the past
and you wonder how you got this far
and how long your life will last
You think back on your life
All the good times and the bad
The laughter when you were happy
the tears when you were sad
You think back on your day
All your troubles and you stress
You hope for a better tomorrow
as you lay your head to rest


Human Nature
Human nature gets the best of us
A desire to succeed driven by subconscious passions
A people of wanton, a people of lust
Slave to the fashions that turn us to dust
Brute and breeding, wars for feeding
The eyes of corruption that stare at us gleaming
Through our hearts and into our souls
To see our humane two sided goals
The good in this world left a decade ago
Or is it adulthood that makes passion go
To Hell where it swells and then sells itself back
Masked as a dream but awaiting attack
Through our veins human nature flows
And fires our hatred
As it perpetually grows


by Kym Sheppard
Sacred sights, to you or me,
Who can really tell.
One man's dream, on this fair earth,
Can be anothers hell.
Iv'e been places, you have been,
And felt a link with land.
So who can say that black and white,
Cannot walk, hand in hand?
In this wonderous place we live,
We must unite as one.
Cos if we don't, I'm sure we'll find,
Our land will soon be gone.
And we should be, just one Australia,
Proud and rich and free.
The lucky country, land of plenty,
Home for you and me.
So let us share , this land we have,
And stand as one, forever.
Cos all in all, it's really here,
For all of us together!!

Silent, the crow stands alone
Perched atop a cold, gray stone
Darkened skies float above
‘Tis no time for the peaceful dove
A cold chill, the wind blows East
Toward the center, the belly of the beast
Long it seems we’ve had no peace
Country against country, none shall cease
“Home” the crow speaks at last
It seemed so long, buried deep within the past
One stone, is all that was thrown
One stone, landing deep within the bone
“Home” the crow speaks once more
Looking to the sky, watching eagles sore
“Home” is what the crow adores
Him among many, many more
Silent, the crow stands alone
Perched atop a cold gray stone
What was it that cold stone bore?
“Pray for peace, to fight nevermore”

Travis Burney


Victor A. Roscetti
I cannot fathom the
need for sanity.
It really is a
useless thing.
The sane ones
are those who
bide their time and
slowly go mad anyway.
Eventually you will
be one of us.
Why fight what
is inevitable?
Why curse those of
us who went willingly?
Those of us who
are quite deranged.
You know we will win
in the end.
It’s only a matter
of time.


Losing Keith
Rick Barnes
These days he doesn’t seem to care
if things refuse to go his way.
He has succumbed to the
long noon forces that
weigh heavily on the stride
of a soul just trying to get away
from ghostly voices
and the long pronged choices
made in the mistakes of another day.
So we pardon his empty stare
into familiar vacancy.
The crease in his trousers
runs long to his face
doing prized little to hide
the denouement of this long ending play.
He’s come to believe
that the blood on his sleeve
is what comes from wearing his heart that way.


Though they sparkle
The ring, is not the thing
Precious gold, merely a symbol
Love and commitment    
The reality.

Gillena Cox


Our minds are now in the sky,
For progress they say is the reason why.
For we are settling territory even in space,
They say it is necessary in order to continue the race.
Within all this mess and muddle, Satellites, Star Wars, and Space Shuttles.
You know, these things seems to be more important than our own mothers.
Wars,Violence,famine,disease,and starvation here on this earth we must solve.
Before we go to the heavens we must first become involved.
Let us come back to the world.
                                to be continued.

My Brother's Jersey-
Michael Heffner
His Orange, brown, and black
And mine red, blue, and black
Faking batters from the stretch
Hounding balls from the cove
Tryouts for pro scouts
Playing for the Crush
Going to instructors, advisors, and former players
Going to practice
Weekend tournaments
Scrimmaging the Mutts
Practice every day
Practice twice a week
Both play baseball
Both named Ferich


"Hi!" I yelled across the school yard
"Wanna come and play?"
Convincing it was getting hard
"Come on... you must have something to say!"
It continued walking
Simply wagging its tail
Then it started barking
then broke into a wail
I ran over to it
Just to have a look and see
But when I went past the sand pit
I saw that it was only Freddy T.
"I thought you were a dog!"
He seemed confused at that
"Maybe it was just a fog,
Like in Pluto's Space Attack!"
Then I quickly ran back to the slide
Over all the tire and hay
Then I saw the dogs spotted hide!
"Wanna come and play?"

Abby K.


by Hannah
The wind is whispering a song
Oh how I wish to sing along
I will hum the tune into the eve
From my mind the song wont leave

The song travels over a grassy  knoll
touching every person's soul
It brings happy to the sad, and love to a man with grief
From their mind the song won't leave
The song's journey is now compete
And to me the song will great
Now the whole world does believe
In the song that won't leave


My Little Sister’s Sweatshirt
Jimmy F
My little sister’s sweatshirt is gold and blue
The very same colors I once knew.
My little sister’s sweatshirt is as clean as can be
WOW!  It looked a lot different on me.



There I go again, pushing Pawn to Queen 4.
I uncross my legs and put both feet on the floor.
My subconscious move when playing this game,
A repetitious move, it's always the same.
I throw him my Gambit, yes he jumps at the chance.
He slammed down his piece,
But it's my turn to dance.
Hand on my forehead, I get in my groove,
Swallowing his spit, he makes his next move.
With his rook open wide. I spring out my trap.
I bring my queen out, now my hands on my lap.
With my queen standing tall and his rook soon to fall,
His chest sinks to his stomach.
Winning this game, he sees he's unable,
Lying his king down flat on the table.
We extend out our hands,
Cause we two are the same,
Nodding our heads, and we both say,
           "Good Game!"





Poems copyright © designated authors 2003.
Page Copyright © 2003.

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